Saturday, 24 May 2008

Possibly the worst Paper in Britain

The Daily Mail is not my cup of tea. The few times I've picked it up and read it, because it's been there, I have found it shallow, xenophobic, pseudo-intellectual and without any saving graces. At least some of the other tabloids don't pretend that they are serious papers. On the other hand I'm not particularly interested in minor ex-royals and their lives. In general I skip over any stories about Sarah Ferguson and her tribe. But this week I heard her talking about a comment in the Daily Mail about her daughter and the story was carried in the Independent today. That this rag feels it necessary to comment on a young girls appearance, because she has some sort of celebrity status just confirms my opinion that the Mail is only of use for wrapping up fish and chips or picking up dogs poo. The one thing that may make Ms Ferguson feel a little better is that no one who reads this sort of rubbish regularly could possibly have an opinion worth worrying about.

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