Sunday 25 May 2008

The real folly of the Iraq War.

There were many reasons why I was against the war with Iraq. The most important one was that history told us that it would be a disaster. I have always believed that history is a great predictor of the outcome of actions and that all world leaders would be well advised to study and learn those lessons. I know that in George Bush's case it is unlikely that he is capable of understanding anything so complicated.
What I hadn't expected was that this totally ill advised war would bring the economic future of the world to such a perilous point. Dr Mamdouh Salameh, who advises the World Bank and the UN Industrial Development Organisation, estimates that oil prices would be about $40 a barrel compared to the current $135 had the war not taken place. Of course if this forces proper research into alternatives to oil there may be a long term benefit, but this is wishful thinking.

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